Facilities Requirements to Adopt/Foster

The safety of our animals is the number one priority when we send them to a new home. The facilities requirements are designed to make ownership easier for you and to ensure the animals' well-being.Minimum Facility Requirements

  • A fenced pasture large enough for llamas to move around freely, with room for running or jumping. Fences should be a minimum of 48" high and safe for animal containment

  • A three- or four-sided shelter that provides protection from prevailing winds. Temporary hoop shelters are acceptable.

  • A sheltered storage area for hay and feed.

  • Feed and clean water containers. Large, flat-bottomed pans are a good choice for feeding supplements or treats. Buckets with handles are not safe for llamas/alpacas.

  • A catch pen where the animals can be herded and haltered. Catch pens made with temporary or cattle panels are functional as the pen can be rearranged when necessary.

  • An off-the-ground hay manger or hay rack for feeding.

In addition to the above, the following is recommended:

  • A properly fitted llama/alpaca halter & lead rope

  • A local vet who has experience with treatment of llamas/alpacas.

  • A trailer for transporting llamas/alpacas or access to a trailer.

  • Sources of help and information on llama/alpaca care such as a knowledgeable, experienced mentor and membership in an association for access to materials, contacts.

  • A basic first aid kit for treating llamas/alpacas.

  • A llama care book such as Caring for Llamas and Alpacas: A Herd Management Guide.

  • Tools for toenail trimming, shearing, and cleaning the pasture.

  • A restraint chute or panel arrangement for general care, health treatments and medical emergencies.

  • Introduction of the family dogs to the llamas/alpacas must be done with care.